I hold my staunch opposition to the continued existence of the Windows Platform to be an open secret. In private my opinion of Windows is expressed with a carefully selected vitriol, such that it tints everything I write, just about. I found it difficult, then, when the question “What don’t I hate about Windows?” popped into my mind.
I scratched my head for a few minutes before realizing the answer was one of the most fundamental applications in the Windows platform: the Windows 8 / 10 File Explorer.
The Windows File Explorer, in my eyes, is a terse summary of everything Microsoft got right, starting with the ribbon interface. While I, in a stunning display of myopic curmudgeonliness, dismissed the ribbon interface when it was introduced with Office 2007, I now see it allows much, much quicker access to common items than menus, improving productivity and lowering the learning curve. Incidentally, Microsoft managed to completely screw this up in Windows Vista/7, instead seeming to copy the famously broken Finder. With Windows 8, Microsoft corrected this heinous oversight and brought File Explorer to the top of its game.
Also worth mentioning is the option to open a Command Prompt / PowerShell or either as administrator from the File menu, while not exclusive to Windows, makes life a lot easier for a CLI junkie like me.