
Administrative Circumlocution

Computer Operator and Hobbyist

Classic Wizardry

I recently acquired a bondi blue iMac from a garage sale for an unreasonably low price. The machine would not turn on, but a simple press of the CUDA reset button fixed that. By simple, of course, I mean fumbling around for half an hour trying to figure out how to get the machine open, pushing the button, and then fumbling around for half an hour trying to figure out how to get the machine closed.

ee – evaluate expression

An oddity in my mind is the lack of a simple calculator on the typical Linux command line (e.g. one that isn’t python). Coincidentally, one of my class projects at Texas Tech was just such a program. The class version had some extra things, though. For example in addition to being a natural stack-based Reverse Polish Notation calculator, it had a binary tree for storing an abstract syntax tree, and converted the expression to infix.

Same Old Song and Dance

I’ve heard concern, as I do nearly every year, that the omission of any Mac news at the 2016.03.21 Apple Event spells doom for OS X as a platform. To recap, at said event Apple released the 9.7" iPad Pro, along with the iPhone LE; two additions to its iOS product line. In addition, Apple released CareKit, a developer framework for healthcare-related iOS apps. Two new products and a developer framework, two full months before the Worldwide Developer Conference.