Administrative Circumlocution
Computer Operator and Hobbyist
Virtual PC Box In the early-to-mid 2000s, Microsoft made a product for the Mac (and Windows) called Virtual PC. Aside from being fairly early for the days of home virtualization, the Windows version is relatively unremarkable. The Mac version, however, is the inspiration for this post’s title, as it allows the virtualization of x86 Intel binaries on PowerPC Macs, a process involving real-time binary translation of low-level hardware instructions between architectures of vastly differing design philosophies (RISC vs CISC, for example).
Sysinfo has been updated such that sysinfo -s will print the information to stdout (but still in the usual report form, unlike -p).
Additionally I am working on restructuring SNS’s installer script and making it more compatible with OS X (and more flexible overall). I may also look into defining a homebrew formula.
Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to documenting EE like I promised I would a month and a half ago.
I hold my staunch opposition to the continued existence of the Windows Platform to be an open secret. In private my opinion of Windows is expressed with a carefully selected vitriol, such that it tints everything I write, just about. I found it difficult, then, when the question “What don’t I hate about Windows?” popped into my mind.
I scratched my head for a few minutes before realizing the answer was one of the most fundamental applications in the Windows platform: the Windows 8 / 10 File Explorer.