Administrative Circumlocution
Computer Operator and Hobbyist
Lately I’ve been getting a slough of notifications about how my browser and its obsolete ways will come crashing down from the heavens, relegated to the dust bin of history, on or around June 30th.
Just one problem with that. My browser isn’t out of date.
Seamonkey, the browser one might expect from ripping Firefox’s engine out and transplanting it into Netscape 7, might not be everyone’s cup of tea. It might not be used by enough to people to register as a browser to check.
GitHub, in my eyes, has become an instrumental part of modern development. To my knowledge, it hosts over one million projects, and I personally check it before anywhere else for information on open-source projects. I raise an eyebrow for projects that haven’t been published on GitHub. It’s the de facto infrastructure of the modern open source world.
Some grim news came across my screen yesterday, however. GitHub was bought by Microsoft.
SNS is now (finally) Vim Note System. Compared to SNS, VNS is tied explicitly to vim because it no longer supports unencrypted notes. VNS uses the vim-gnupg plugin to directly edit encrypted notes, ending the old decrypt to a temp file and delete afterwards stopgap solution SNS used. It’s also been refactored to use a much cleaner associative array-based argument parser and is overall far more readable. As I often have in the past, I’ll be using VNS as a style guide for future scripts I write.