Yesterday I acquired from a local computer auction a 2008 Mac Pro with two Xeon E5462 CPUs at 2.8 GHz and 18 GB of RAM. It’s in beautiful condition, and despite being 4 years older than my main desktop, outperforms it in several tests. It was at this point my family began to consider insurance for the growing mass of computers in my office. What better way, I thought, to record the types of machines I have, as a record for the insurance, than my sysinfo script?
All of that to say I’ve updated Sysinfo to 1.3, and added reporting for the total number of CPU cores/threads, as well as the total number of “physical” CPUs in the system, as well as the kernel name, size, and model of each disk, and a new “hardware-only” mode that leaves out software and partitioning-specific information.