
Administrative Circumlocution

Computer Operator and Hobbyist

One Computer: A Counterargument

In the last post, I presented ideas for replacing Silverblue on my laptop with something more agreeable to my personal tastes. My proposals in that post are predicated upon the existence of my desktop, which I use primarily for ten-plus year old games like Fallout 4; and for web browsing, as opposed to browsing geminispace or gopherspace using Offpunk. A simple change to philosophy collapses this dichotomy: Rather than relegate the web to my desktop, and all other browsing to my laptop, I simply implement a tiered preference - Offpunk first, then Epiphany/GNOME Web, then Firefox.

Thoughts on Operating Systems

With the launch of the Raspberry Pi 5, and my subsequent purchase of one, I immersed myself in desktop Linux for the first time in a couple years. The nostalgia for my older systems overcame me, and I procured as used Latitude 9420, on which I installed Void Linux. I now find myself on Fedora Silverblue, and although I’m not convinced I’ll ever be fully happy here, it’s an acceptable reproduction of what I actually want.

Three Years Don't Lie

My last blog post was in 2021. In a few months, it will be three years old. A lot has happened in that time. I lost my father to pneumonia; began my medical transition; and found two loving partners. After I bought a MacBook Air in March of 2021, I quickly stopped needing any of the network infrastructure that I’d built in years prior, and arrived at that “Autopsy of a Dead Paradigm.